The 4 foundations are:
- Setting up baby’s day and night routine
- Creating the ideal sleep environment
- Responding to tired signs
- Self-soothing & settling assistanceÂ
1. Setting up baby’s day and night routine
Establishing a routine for both baby’s day and night time routines can provide structure to your day and help you give you a strong foundation for how to get baby to sleep. It also helps set your baby on the path to recognising the signs that it’s time to nap. The key to successful bedtime routines is consistency. Bedtime or naptime routines don’t need to be an elaborate affair. They can be as simple as you like, as long as they can be performed each time your baby goes to sleep.
Life is full of interruptions and sometimes you will need to improvise around your routine. If you’re out at a café, for instance, and it’s time for your little one to nap, you may have to alter where your baby sleeps. However, (when possible) aim to put your baby down for their nap in their cot or bassinet.
Your baby’s daytime nap routine, will differ from their night time routine. Once a baby’s sleep pattern starts to take shape, your baby will likely nap up to 2-4 times during the day. The daytime nap routine may be quite short and go something like this:
- Change nappy
- Swaddle
- Feed and settle
- Put in cot