What is a TOG rating?

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We know that many parents and carers can find dressing their baby for the right temperature confusing. It can become even more challenging when you’re trying to find the right TOG rating to choose. We agree, it’s not simple and there are a host of factors that influence this decision, making it challenging to give blanket advice to parents and carers.Every baby feels hot and cold differently to another, ambient temperatures fluctuate, and different clothing and sleepwear layer combinations will differ in their thermal effectiveness.
reviewed by Genevieve Titov, Sleep Angel
8 min read |
15 December, 2023

In response to your feedback, we've developed a comprehensive TOG guide to streamline the process of dressing your baby for optimal comfort. This guide covers everything from understanding TOG ratings and their significance to practical insights on selecting the right clothing. Whether you're curious about the meaning of TOG, consulting a TOG chart, searching for a top temperature guide, or simply asking "what is TOG?"—our comprehensive TOG guide is your go-to resource. 

What does TOG mean?    

TOG stands for Thermal Overall Grade and is an industry-recognised measurement for the warmth of garments and bedding. Put simply: The lower the TOG rating, the lighter the fabric. The higher the TOG rating, the warmer the fabric.  

Below is a set of guidelines that helps parents and carers understand which TOG values are right for differing room temperatures:

  • 0.2 TOG – ideal for room temperatures between 24°C and 27°C
  • 1.0 TOG – ideal for room temperatures between 20°C to 24°C
  • 1.5 TOG - ideal for room temperatures between 18°C to 22°C
  • 2.5 TOG – ideal for room temperatures between 16°C to 20°C
  • 3.5 TOG – ideal for room temperatures below 16°C 

How to choose the right TOG rating for your baby to wear to bed

We believe the simplest way to make sure your baby is suitably dressed is to use room temperature as well as TOG ratings.

To best dress for different room temperatures and ensure you select the right Love to Dream product follow these three simple steps:

  • Prior to selecting a Love to Dream product we would recommend having a good understanding of the temperature of your baby’s room.
  • Always look for the ideal room temperature guidance on our products and website to help your selection.
  • Follow the recommended clothing by room temperature within the TOG temperature chart below.

TOG temperature chart

Our aim at Love To Dream is to empower parents to choose the right products and fabrics from our range that best suit their children’s needs. Our product range has therefore been designed and made with different fabrics and with different constructions ranging from a single layer of fabric up to a triple-layered construction, with built-in quilted features to ensure we have all temperatures from Warm to Cold covered. This table provides you with guidelines around how to dress your baby/toddler based on the room temperature. The table is only a guide. All babies are different. The number of clothing layers may vary according to a baby’s health, their physiology & the temperature in the room. The care-giver must determine what is suitable.

Did you know?..

Every child and everybody feels hot and cold differently, ambient temperatures fluctuate, the child’s general health and wellbeing will impact body temperature and different clothing and sleepwear layer combinations will differ in their thermal effectiveness. As these factors make it challenging to give absolute and definitive advice to parents and carers, the clothing guide should be used only as a general guide. The parent or carer is best suited to determine the right sleepwear and clothing combinations for the child.

How should I consider TOG when dressing my child?

Published TOG ratings (with appropriate rounding) should be considered in conjunction with our specific clothing guides (found online and on pack) and are from test results that we believe reflect the appropriate TOG when used in conjunction with our clothing guides. Test methods are EN ISO 11092, ASTM 1291(modified to the same parameters as EN ISO 11092) and ISO 5085-1. 

We believe that our TOG ratings, together with our clothing guides, help parents and carers make the best decision on how to dress their child at different room temperatures. We also provide guidance on how the parent or carer can check if the child is too hot or too cold. This is important in empowering the parent or carer to decide what is best for their child. All children are different. The number of clothing layers required may vary according to a child’s health, their physiology the room temperature, the outside temperature and other factors. The care-giver must determine what is suitable. We do not provide medical advice. 

The TOG rating (with appropriate rounding) is obtained using any one, or combination, of the below globally recognised test methods, EN ISO 11092, ASTM 1291(modified to the same parameters as EN ISO 11092) and ISO 5085-1. 

How to use our TOG temperature chart

To choose the right product for your child, follow these 3 simple steps:

  • Determine the temperature or the room your baby will be sleeping in
  • Use our TOG guide to determine the matching TOG rating (for example: if your baby sleeps in a ~20C room the ideal TOG rating is 1.0 TOG).
  • Depending on the room temperature, your baby’s health and their physiology you then decide on the number of layers to wear underneath the sleep garment. (In the above a example the ideal combination could be long-sleeved pyjamas and a sleeveless bodysuit).

TOG guide for Swaddles and Transition Bags/Suits

Our Swaddle Up and Transition Bag/Suit range comes in a variety of TOG ratings.

  • The SWADDLE UP™ Original, Organic, Bamboo are equivalent to approximately 1.0 TOG.
  • The SWADDLE UP™ Lite, Organic Lite, Bamboo Lite are is equivalent to approximately 0.2 TOG.
  • The SWADDLE UP™ Warm is equivalent to approximately 2.5 TOG
  • The SWADDLE UP™ Extra Warm is equivalent to approximately 3.5 TOG.
  • The Transition Bag Original, Organic, Bamboo as well as the Transition Suit Original are equivalent to approximately 1.0 TOG.
  • The Transition Bag Lite, Bamboo Lite are is equivalent to approximately 0.2 TOG.
  • The Transition Bag Warm and Transition Suit Warm are equivalent to approximately 2.5 TOG
  • The Transition Bag Extra Warm and Transition Suit Extra Warm are equivalent to approximately 3.5 TOG.

TOG guide for sleeping bags & sleep suits

Our Sleep Suit and Sleep Bag range comes in a variety of TOG ratings.

Common FAQs on dressing your baby for sleep

What temperature should your baby be at night?

Red Nose Australia doesn’t recommend a specific room temperature for your baby. Instead, it’s important to follow the below steps:

  • Always dress your baby according to the room temperature/season, you can use our Clothing guide to find the right sleep garment.
  • Always ensure there are no toys, pillows, or blankets where the baby is sleeping.
  • Babies control their temperature through the face and head. Make sure to put your baby to sleep on their back with the face uncovered. 
  • Never use hot water bottles or heated blankets.
How do I know if my baby is too cold while sleeping? If concerned, it’s important to check your baby’s temperature to ensure they’re comfortable. You can do this by feeling your child’s back or tummy, which should feel warm. Signs your child might be too cold: shivering, cold hands and/or feet, fussiness. To maintain a warm sleeping space, use a room thermometer combined with our Clothing guide above to choose a suitable product that works well with the season/temperature.
How do I know if my baby is too hot while sleeping? If concerned, it’s important to monitor your baby’s temperature. Below, find common signs that your baby is too hot during the summer months.  Signs your child might be too warm: Sweating, warm to the touch, rapid heartbeat, lethargic, flushed skin, rapid breathing. To bring your child’s temperature down, follow these steps: Offer fluids suitable for their age. Change the fabric grade of their sleepwear to suit room temperature. Move your child to a more well-ventilated room if possible. If you’re still worried about your child’s temperature, please seek medical advice.

Can I layer sleep bags to increase the warmth?

It’s not recommended that you layer sleep bags or swaddles, as this can increase the risk of overheating or suffocation. Instead, choose an appropriate garment for the room temperature and select lightweight layers that can be worn beneath.

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